São Tomé and Príncipe

Available companies in São Tomé and Príncipe operate airplanes with routes that allow passengers to travel within the country. When there is a need to fly to international destinations, routes are also available, providing connections to other countries. Since there are no roads connecting the islands to the mainland, passengers and cargo are transported by air or by ship. Domestic routes connect the nearby islands of São Tomé to the south and Príncipe to the north, while international routes provide connections to several countries. Companies based in São Tomé and Príncipe include:
Africa’s Connection STP
STP Airways
Transafrik International
Current Hiring
Hiring for pilot positions depends on qualifications and experience. Pilots with the necessary qualifications, such as an Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL), type ratings, and experience on the specific type of aircraft, can apply for positions. First officers can apply even without flying experience on the specific type of airplane, though a captain is preferred to have prior working experience. Interviews are required to assess pilots’ qualifications and ensure they can handle the responsibilities of flying safely. There are many advantages to working in São Tomé and Príncipe, including good monthly payments based on qualifications and experience.
Company Rules
Company rules are designed to ensure the safe operation of aircraft and smooth flight operations. Employees, including pilots, must adhere to these rules, which are outlined in their contracts. The contract ensures that pilots understand their duties and responsibilities, which are assigned based on their position (first officer or captain). Pilots are expected to comply with the company’s working timetable, which includes breaks, holidays, and shift work. Monthly payments are determined based on the pilot’s role, experience, and qualifications.
Civil Aviation Authority of São Tomé and Príncipe
The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) of São Tomé and Príncipe oversees air transportation services and ensures that operators comply with safety regulations. The CAA issues operator certificates and licenses to allow airlines to operate flights in and out of the country. It also provides services such as air traffic control, weather forecasting, and safety compliance. Pilots can apply to convert their foreign licenses or renew them with the CAA to comply with the country’s aviation standards. The CAA adheres to international aviation regulations, including those set by ICAO.
Work Permit
Foreign pilots must apply for a work permit to work in São Tomé and Príncipe. The government handles immigration policies and ensures that foreign workers, including pilots, comply with the necessary procedures. Foreigners must submit applications for a work permit once they secure a job with a company in São Tomé and Príncipe. Citizens of São Tomé and Príncipe do not need a work permit and can apply directly for jobs.
Employment Rates
Employment rates for pilots in São Tomé and Príncipe are relatively low because the country has limited flight operations. However, pilots can find jobs with airlines based in the country when vacancies arise, especially as pilots retire or shift to other companies. There is potential for new pilots to work for foreign airlines operating in São Tomé and Príncipe. While opportunities are limited, pilots with the required qualifications have a good chance of securing a job when a vacancy is announced.
Hiring Seasons
Hiring seasons are variable and depend on the number of passengers traveling to and from São Tomé and Príncipe. Tourism and business activities increase the demand for air travel, especially during busy months of the year. Airlines generally hire more pilots during peak travel seasons, such as holidays or when special events are held in the country. Pilots may also be hired when airlines expand their operations or establish new routes.
Expected Routes
Pilots can fly domestic routes connecting São Tomé and Príncipe’s islands, such as flights between São Tomé and Príncipe. These routes are often short-haul flights, with planes like small single-engine or multi-engine aircraft. International routes typically connect São Tomé and Príncipe to Western African countries, such as Angola, Nigeria, and Ghana, as well as to other international destinations. While most flights are scheduled, some smaller flights, particularly private charters or tourist flights, are unscheduled.
Possible Changes
Pilots can advance within a company by moving from first officer to captain once they have sufficient experience. If pilots have the necessary qualifications and experience, they can also change from flying one type of aircraft to another, especially if they complete the required type rating training. Additionally, pilots may choose to apply for a position with another company if they wish to expand their career.
To find a pilot job in São Tomé and Príncipe, applicants should ensure they meet all necessary qualifications and experience requirements. Many positions are posted on company websites or through local recruitment channels. While the number of available positions may be limited, pilots with the required qualifications, including type ratings and previous flying experience, will have a better chance of securing a job. Additionally, building relationships with companies in São Tomé and Príncipe and staying updated on job openings will help applicants succeed in securing a position as a pilot in the country.