
Available airlines of namibia are from foreign nations but there are small airplane operators in this country with routes that connect bush areas with international airports, that make possible for anyone who arrive from an international destination to have air transportation service in Namibia, domestic routes are few while international ones use to be more advanced in a matter of creating more opportunities of new jobs include pilots who are coming from foreign nations to compete when proved to have enough flying experience, as a result of that there are more information to deal with what it takes to get a job, some of companies to consider in this place include;
: Fly Namibia
: Westair Aviation
: Wilderness Air
Current hiring for pilots use to depend on some of procedures include payments that a pilot use to have as a result of finding options that are well coordinated to them, qualifications are well depending on means to advance a career into a professional way which comes as a result of having preferred knowledge to work as a pilot in this place, getting paid well when prove to have enough working experience on some type of airplanes owned and operated by companies registered to take control of their flight routes in different places of this country, there is an interview in order to get admitted in a company, flying and getting paid with priority being for a commercial pilot,
Company rules use to allow anyone having special procedures to follow such as new working time table that keep each and everyone busy to make an airline active to conduct daily flight operations, they use to have contracts as a legal form of agreement to continue upgrading special recommendations on what it takes to fly an airplane safely, that being a reason number one of making sure there are some process of finding special decision making that keep anyone well updated, everything that an employee needs include payments for a job is included with additional benefits such as a holiday with breaks to take when having an emergency to be out of job for a moment,
Civil Aviation Authority of Namibia use to have a lot of responsibilities to make air transportation service safe, as such there is a need for all pilots to have a license as a prove of qualify to fly an airplane safely, that is obtained after done with training in a flight school located somewhere in a foreign country, renewal process use to be relating to a new application to make which comes as a result of finding special procedures that are well coordinated to make a good work of safe transportation of passengers or cargo in airspace of this country, extra services such as air traffic controllers and many others that ensure there is security are provided to any company,
Work permit is a special government permission to anyone who is a foreigner and wish to live while working in Namibia, information on how to apply for a work permit use to be given from a company that a pilot wish to start a career with when having an advantage of being regarded as an important person if having experience to be considered as an expert who are always needed to occupy some of positions such as that for a captain, citizens are not allowed to apply for a work permit instead they use to have a different application procedure that make possible to secure a job when prove to have a license or rating needed with government ID or passport to show,
Employment rates is normal there is no many companies to consider jobs for pilots to be available often, as such there is a need to keep a space of time in between one recruitment to another that seems to happen later in the future, as a result of finding new information that is being considered to have a whole process of locating special recommendations these are taken seriously when having a company that use to take pilots for co pilot position, that being for any new graduate pilot who is interested to work for a company for a purpose of building experience then later being considered as a pilot in command when prove to have a commercial pilot license,
Hiring seasons use to be relating to what a company gives as a rewards and that being at the end of each month, include a time when there is a need to employ new pilots in example when there are a lot of tourists who are renting airplanes to fly to bush areas or whenever there are means to increase number of passengers who arrive in this destination because of business relationships or special events that increase chances of securing a job as a pilot in order to continue upgrading further responsibilities, always there are means to create routes that are found the best to deal with new hiring for pilots and a lot of rewards when there is a good market at the end of year,
Expected routes that a pilot can fly use to be relating to what a company is owning these are found to be anyone from routes that are originated in the capital city of Namibia Windhoek, domestic routes are many with special procedures to secure a job from domestic companies because they need only few experience to get started with a new pilot job, while international routes that goes to Luanda in Angola and Johannesburg in South Africa use to require a pilot who is having more flying experience to control big type of airplanes that are being in use to create new employment opportunities for those who manage to acquire professional skills and experience of flying,
Possible changes that a company can make use to be relating to options that allow anyone having special decision making process, that comes as a result of finding routes to fly an airplane correctly, when there are means to change a company always there are some skills and experience anyone must demonstrate to have in order to compete and pass an interview that is soon to be taken, and as a result of finding special occasions these are found to be relating to opportunities that are always available, normally there are ways that are enabled with means to get an exchange of route to fly after having permission from company’s office responsible with working time table,
Conclusion on how to find a pilot job in Namibia use to be relating to options given as a result of finding special recommendations that are given out from companies based in this country, usually they need a commercial pilot according to rules and regulations of air transportation services that make anyone interested to have such a kind of license in order to get paid flying an airplane, a private pilot license maybe in use only to fly as an assistance pilot but that won’t reward anything to a new pilot except flying experience to use when about to work for another company, and level of development for airlines in Namibia is still low expected to grow later in the future,