Available airline companies of Libya used to have means to advance a career into different levels when starting with any company it is possible later to have license and qualifications to work for airline companies, at the moment there are companies involved in passenger transportation across this nation, and jobs use to be available for new pilots to apply after every few months that use to be available, international routes are mostly under ownership of foreign companies which use to have modern type of airplanes able to travel over a long distance and use to have jobs for pilots but they always need experience on type of airplane in use, available companies in Libya are;
: Berniq Airways
: Afriqiyah Airways
: Air Libya
: Buraq Air
: Global Aviation and Service Group
: Libyan Airlines
: Libyan Arab Air Cargo
: Libyan Wings
: Petro Air
: Ghadames Air Transport
Current hiring for pilots used to be in accordance with posts that are out for new applicants to submit their Cv using official websites for companies based in Libya, they always need qualifications that are allowing anyone to get started with any means of advance a career into a more professional way, preferred to take a pilot with many years of working as a pilot in airline company that used to be one among their entry requirements to any of available position, interview used to be a process of selecting those who are able to fly safely and work effectively with means to understand problems and solve them include decision making process in time of emergency,
Company rules used to be in accordance to term and conditions that are provided to meet a decision that pilots are always relating to options that are used to be available, since then some sort of assistance used to be in coordination to what it takes to continue with new employment opportunities, contract agreements used to allow anyone with means to work as a legal approval to be in use also when things went wrong, duties are well written inside each employee contract and payments that a pilot should expect in Libya is good, include a lot of advantages being a pilot in this country that use to be common as in other places that use to have good monthly salaries,
Civil Aviation Authority of Libya has now update new terms and conditions include a whole process of registering a new airplane to operate some routes that use to have also a type of an approval in order for a company to conduct any scheduled flight from within even outside of this nation, pilots use to have their own department where they are able to apply for a license conversion and renewal process after a time of validity come to an end, medical certificate and important documents from aviation doctor are submitted in the same office, and normal service to pilots are available such as air traffic controllers in all of the airspace an airplane use to pass,
Work permit is a type of an approval that enable a foreigner to work in any country, first entry for a purpose of working use to be obtained with a special permission from embassy office as a visa which specify a reason to visit this country, government use to control illegal immigration to this country and that is why there is a department that keep a good control of those who are not citizens but wish to live and work in this country, procedures for work permit to citizens is different they are required to show only their identification cards or passport when applying for a job from any of the companies mentioned on the first paragraph of this post,
Employment rates that a pilot use to have depend on some reasons that are well considered to have means to support an entire process of finding some of locations that are well concerning with means to advance a career into a more professional way, and since there are options that need type rated pilots that use to put a limitation to many new applicants and make sense when having such a rating or some of flying experience on type to be considered as a none type rated pilot who is able to safely control an airplane, types of airplanes available many of them use to transport passengers while few are cargo flights all of them use to have new jobs for pilots to apply,
Hiring seasons use to change provided by means to understand what it takes to continue with a whole process of finding positive ways to apply for a job in Libya, websites are widely in use and some applicants use to visit anyone responsible with recruitment for pilots in the office to get relevant information about future hiring for pilots in a company, that maybe influenced by either new routes or another airplane to be added in a fleet, seasons that use to have more passengers is during that time of holidays when schools are closed and many people are traveling back home, also special days include Ramadhan and at the end of the year use to be a good time to get a pilot job,
Expected routes that any pilot can fly in this country use to be domestic ones when having low qualifications to apply for a job with airline company, that being many with direct flights from the capital city Tripoli to any other town or city within Libya, most of international routes that use to start from the same capital city use to connect many countries in North Africa and then some extend the border of this continent to some of European countries for more connections to many destinations in the world, scheduled, unscheduled and seasonal flights are expected to be the one to work with to any pilot who is about to apply for a job in this country from airline companies,
Possible changes that a pilot can make while working in this country use to be the same as other pilots in foreign countries use to make, these start from a route they fly and changes are made by submitting an official letter to an operator who is assigning duties to pilots on where an airplane should take passengers or cargo, later improvements to change a type of airplane need a course and when being able to change then sometimes there is a need to do a new application process, the same for anyone who is interested to work for a different company, this decision use to have a risk sometimes and as an advice working for the same company for long time has some of advantages to pilots,
Conclusion on how to find a pilot job in Libya is first to check a company that use to hire pilot often, include routes they own and their entry requirements, some applicants are interested with types they own in their fleet, since they have some ratings already obtained inside their pilot license then it is important to confirm that as it is always indicated in that post for a job opportunity available, having connection from another company that use to work in association with anyone from Libya maybe of an extra advantage to get priority or being considered for a direct entry position whenever it happen there is a pilot who change company, quit a job or retire from a position,