UNITED ARAB EMIRATES – Available airlines of this country are major ones with many international routes that are scheduled from the capital cities and some of famous places in this country, domestic flights use to have a lot of passengers especially during a time for Ramadhan connecting many destinations, private airplanes to rent include charter flights or business jets are available even airlines to assist anyone either a citizen or a foreigner get a job in this country, main office for companies are based in Dubai where a lot of business are being conducted include cargo transportations to some countries by using airplanes, list of available airlines and companies own airplanes in United Arab Emirates are;
: Air Arabia
: Air Arabia Abu Dhabi
: Emirates
: Etihad Airways
: Fly Dubai
: Wizz Air Abu Dhabi
: Abu Dhabi Aviation
: Aerovista
: Gama Aviation
: Rotana Jet
: Royal Jet
: Emirates Sky Cargo
: Etihad Cargo
: Maximus Air Cargo
Current Hiring for pilots in this country is good and each month there is a probability for one or two companies to have positions for pilots to apply, based on qualifications to fly modern airplanes that are available in almost all of companies, preferred when having already a working experience on these airplanes from another company, interview used to be held in this country for all online applicants are supposed to bring their original documents include license and ratings they use in their application process, there are a lot of advantages working in this country include good monthly payments and modern of the art services in flights or hotel reservations,
Company Rules enable anyone to continue with a job according to a special contract agreement that is signed at the beginning of a job, these are based on what a company has been prove to be a right way to operate their airplanes according to some standards that are recommended by experts in this field of aviation, duties for each pilot are well specified include tasks to handle inside an airplane that are provided for a reason of having means to understand what it takes to continue with a new employment, there are more information that are provided to complete an entire route of flying in a certain places that used to be in accordance with new rules and regulations,
Civil Aviation Authority of United Arab Emirates used to have a lot of tasks because of too much airplanes that are arriving in this country, many requesting new flight operations to this destinations, while new airplanes are about to be registered, pilots are able to apply for a new license or rating if training used to be conducted in this country with more options for foreign pilots to convert or renew their license, medical certificate is obtained from an approved aviation doctor who submit documents that show result of different tests carried out, and in case there are more information about to be obtained include normal operations assistance such as air traffic controllers,
Work Permit used to be applicable and at the moment there are many foreign pilots who are current flying airplanes in most of companies based in this country, use to have experience and all qualifications to apply for some of positions that are used to be in conjunctions with means to assist an entire route of flying an airplane in this destination, since there are means to understand what it takes to continue with a new employment opportunity some sort of assistance used to be in accordance with means to advance a way of flying an airplane in a proper manner according to what the government of this country recommend to anyone who is not a citizen of UAR,
Employment Rates for pilots in United Arab Emirates is high because of available companies that own a fleet of many airplanes used to have positions to apply when meet their entry requirements shown for each of the mentioned airlines in the first paragraph, there are more on ways to continue with a whole process of getting positions either as a type rated or a none type rated pilot, positions use to be available in accordance to a type of flight operations, passenger airplanes are more in number compared to cargo type of airplanes, private charter or business jets also use to have a good intake of new pilots and increase an overall rate for pilot employment,
Hiring Seasons use to change depending on means to assist anyone come across basic requirements that are found to be relating on what companies use to prefer, each time when there is a new airplane that being a good time to consider new hiring for pilots, and a season is not yet available when pilots are taken in big number with companies in this country, a whole process started long time ago when companies used to expand their fleets, a lot of tourists are available in this country with strong business relationships throughout the year, and hiring is anytime because Dubai Airport is the leading in term of passenger volume and number of routes that are coming to this country,
Expected Routes that a pilot can fly in this country are a lot and usually a company used to assign that as a duty to carry out and no one is allowed to make own decision on such an appointment, based on current destinations available pilots use to work according to their contract agreement and this country use to have many companies with a lot of airplanes then routes are provided in accordance to terms and conditions needed, then some sort of assistance are well provided to by special computer system that used to assign duties as a time table to follow, and Dubai is the leading city in UAE in term of number of routes to fly away and towards this destination,
Possible Changes which are enabled anyone to continue with a new position within a company is provided by an application to make when about to change from being a first officer into a captain and that being a reason to enable anyone having means to read and understand terms and conditions from a contract provided, sometimes changes from one company to another needs a termination of contract with a new application to make, that being a risk when unable to meet their entry requirements, but change in type of airplane within a company used to be simple according to a demand available it is possible to make any change that is current available,
Conclusion on how to get a pilot job in United Arab Emirates is only depending on skills and experience that a pilot prove to have include additional qualifications that are obtained as a result of having license and ratings that a company prefer to have while dealing with an entire process of working as a pilot in this country, airlines are well developed include all modern airplanes used to be available to apply for any position that used to be related to means to understand when and how information are being provided, and since there are some reasons to continue with job applications in this country despite of higher competitions there are some potential of securing a job because there are a lot of posts used to be available waiting qualified applicants,