Available airlines that are operating in this country majority of them originate from nearby countries current there is no airline with international route flights that is based in Burundi only some which own few airplanes with routes to connect domestic destinations and some that manage to cross the border to East African Countries that use to have means to provide a better decision making process on time, and as a result of finding some sort of assistance these are taken as a means to allow anyone come across basic needs which are usually found to work the right way provided with support of having a job already obtained, and some of companies about to be mentioned include,

: Burundi Airlines

: Air Burundi

Current hiring for pilots use to change according to what it might be a reason to find some options that are well coordinated to deal with an entire process of finding ways to continue with employment opportunities, and in Burundi there are means to assist anyone come across basic requirements that are always provided by means to allow anyone come across some of qualifications that are well concerning with ways that are always preferred to have means that are assisted to continue with available position for pilots though type of airplane to expect flying in companies based in Burundi some of them are old fashion airplanes with analog flight instruments,

Company rules use to guide each pilot employed and in Burundi there is no hard rules to follow from operators because it is a country that use to have less number of traffics that use international airport and also there are few routes to own and operate in that reason it make possible to cope with new procedures that were established within any company based in this country, a contract is a legal agreement that prove each information negotiated is set into writings having even means to provide a better understandings of what it might be a reason to continue with new positions that used to be relating to new applications that are being provided to them,

Civil Aviation Authority of Burundi is having main office in Bujumbura the capital city of this country having  procedures to register a new airline company or approve a flight route that is for a company based in another country, there are more responsibilities include issue of a license to a pilot from a foreign country possible to convert new procedures to but each license into a normal standard in order to comply with rules and regulations of air transportation for this country, there are more on medical certificate include renewal process that used to be provided based on what it takes to continue with a work in progress that made with options available,

Work permit is a whole process of applying for a permission to fly an airplane in this country or work for airline company as a pilot if coming from another country, used to have some procedures to apply and get this approval from any responsible government department such as ministry of foreign affairs or that for home affairs on some of issues that used to be provided based on some agreements to be made according to what it is right to be informed to a pilot prior to get a job offer, government policy used to be applicable and in most cases they prefer pilots who are also able to impose new knowledge to local pilots include instructors or experts to provide flight training,

Employment rates for pilots use to change according to what it might be a reason to find some options that are always available and in case there are means to understand what it might be a procedure to deal with options that are always found to work the right way these are taken seriously when having routes that are successful in term of having improvements in term of qualifications, and most of companies they are current not hiring pilots and rates is very low in that case and there is no future plans to some of airline to expand routes or purchase new airplanes because population number of people in Burundi are less include only few who use air transportation services,

Hiring seasons for some of positions that pilots are used to look on to get a new job is always unpredictable and at any time a company may need a new pilot to apply for available open vacancy that being a normal daily routine to fly an airplane in a more professional way and as a result of finding means to assist what it takes to fly an airplane in a safe way that being a reason number one to deal with an entire process of getting doe with hiring procedures for some of positions, and tourism sector is still low with few who manage to travel to Burundi, when combined with business and special events from government and entertainment networks allow some airlines to operate and at the end use to have new jobs for pilots to apply,

Expected routes that a pilot can fly to this country after being hired with any company in East Africa used to be anyone connecting the capital Bujumbura from a home country, domestic routes are available and provided by companies based in Burundi only for citizens who are done with training to become a pilot used to be expected to get started with a career towards any of company that is hiring locals in this country include any of the mentioned two in the first paragraph, routes that are going outside of Africa are always connected from Kigali and Nairobi by Rwandair and Kenya Airways respectively, schedules routes are available for airlines with active routes,

Possible changes that use to make some improvements to deal with an entire process of finding ways to continue with some sort of support in making successful changes in positions or airplane within a company used to be available and well recognized by all companies registered in Burundi, this is when a new application from a pilot or an official letter requesting such changes to obtain a result of finding means to continue with what it might be a reason to work the right way to them, and since there are some improvements in making an entire process work the right way then some sort of assistance are used to be available when plan to have reasons to fly an airplane safely,

Conclusion on how to find a pilot job in Burundi is to consult any airline or private company that use to have positions for pilot job, that being a strong reason of being recognized also included with means to assist an entire process find possible ways to continue with ways to enable a good understandings of what it takes to complete training and being hired as a pilot in this country, routes are active own by few companies and sometimes competitions to secure some of pilot job positions used to be higher and demand more experience and license that make a good understandings of what it takes to fly an airplane in a more professional way,