Available airlines in this country use to have connection to other Asian countries which connect more flights to other continents, and at the moment there are both domestic and international route flights with jobs for pilots that are used to be available whenever there is a need from a company to hire a new pilot to take a full responsibility of controlling an airplane in airspace of this country, ownerships used to be under government, private companies or people who are rick enough to buy and operate their own airplanes, main office to consider when applying for a job to take a visit is in the capital city Phnom Penh with airlines such as;

: Cambodia Airways

: Cambodia Angkor Air

: Lanmei Airlines

: Sky Angkor Airlines

Current hiring for pilots use to be good in some seasons but in general there is options to get positions sometimes for one pilot only, and in all cases there is a requirement to have some qualifications already obtained include license and ratings with additional advantages if a pilot was previous working for airline company they use to ask for last copied of logbook to confirm that include a type of airplane flown for the last time, experience use to change according to what it takes to continue with a whole process of finding means to create new employment opportunities and that being a reason number one to pass interview as an extra advantage that a pilot use to have,

Company rules make possible to enable a good assistance of finding ways to deal with opportunities that are well coordinated to ensure there are means to make a successful chance of signing a contract after get a pilot job to continue with duties assigned to each one in order to receive monthly payments in some of options that use to be available and based on current decision making process as a company use to have means to create a daily working time table and distribute to each and everyone include short breaks to take when an airplane is about to be conducted with a maintenance service to ensure safe operations for future flights about to be taken,

Civil Aviation Authority of Cambodia used to have some reasons to make proper changes on what it has been a way to work well overtime to provide means to assist a whole process of enabling routes that are successful, normally there are different responsibilities that are used to be fulfilled by this government department of transportation to all pilots there is a process to renew a license if it comes to an end, or convert anyone that is obtained from another country, and at the moment there is even possible ways to get a medical certificate based on checks conducted by an approved aviation doctor from a hospital or clinic that used to have all means of conducting medical checking,

Work permit is another form of permission from government of Cambodia to foreigners who are about to work in this country, there are many reasons why experts pilots use to come to this country some are relating to company rules and regulations if an operator and owner are coming from another state and use to come with their own maintenance team with pilots who are professional to carry out their daily flight operations, there are some limitations that are based on citizenship and usually applications approved are for those who come from countries that prove to have good relationships with Cambodia some of applicants are not having a right to work in Cambodia

Employment rates use to change based on personal interest that pilots use to have in order to continue with means that are well provided to come across basic requirements that are needed to upgrade important decision making on ways to deal with what it takes to get hired include qualifications such as a type rating and when not having a type rating experience on type of airplane about to fly, make possible to continue with a better decision making process that used to be successful created with means to advance a career into a more professional way, and sometimes there are reasons to for a company to give an exactly number of posts needed for a single position,

Hiring seasons used to be relating to what a company see a proper time to announce available jobs to apply for a pilot these comes automatically whenever there is a new route established or a new airplane purchased while normal positions that comes to be available in example when a pilot is changing a company, terminate a contract or retirement age is approaching these are being provided to anyone who is able to apply or announced in an official company website under a career page to deal with what it might be a reason to continue with improvements of routes about to fly in some places, that being a useful means to advance more chances of finding possible outcome,

Expected routes to fly as a pilot use to be from Phnom Penh to other countries include few connections that seems to work well for all companies based in this country, domestic flights are available and successful for many years now having means to continue with routes to some locations that are well prepared in a matter of having a better decision making process, normally there are ways to deal with options that are available include application to make whenever there is a need to fly some of routes that a pilot prefer to work with when in a company, prior to get a job each company use to mention number of routes they own and airplanes that are being in use,

Possible changes that are well managed to provide a better decision making process providing means to assist anyone with routes that are having advantages through an application and permission to change from the head of flight operations, a chief executive officer or an operator employed by a company to make any possible changes whenever there is a need for that, jobs use to have some problems sometimes include strong rules or low monthly payments that make pilots quit their current positions by terminating their legal contract agreement to continue with an application process somewhere else with means to advance a career into a better standard,

Conclusion on how to find a pilot job in Cambodia is to have first qualifications that being a number one reason of being hired in a company to assist anyone with a good understandings of what it takes to continue with employment opportunity needed, then some relationships with company employees especially those who are responsible to issue a new job position used to have an assistance to anyone who is competent and interested to work with a company, usually requirements are important to meet them as a new applicant whether a pilot is well known in a company or not that is being a common reason to be regarded for any position that is available,