Available airlines in Chile used to have good connections with airports with passengers and cargo to be carried in this country or anywhere else with routes that are coming from airports that are approved to continue with operations according to registrations, domestic routes within the territory are carried out by airlines based in some of airports and international ones some are not from Chile and expected to be from a country that prove to have good relationships with this one, private owned type of airplanes are available and use to have jobs for pilots based on qualifications and relationships that exist in between, at the moment available companies include;
: erocardal
: erovias DAP
: ATAM Chile
: ATAM argo Chile
: lineral Irways
: KY Airline
Current hiring for pilots in Chile is good depending on available airlines and positions to be occupied each time when a pilot leave for another company or a captain retire from a seat, qualifications used to depend on some levels of competent and applicants are preferred when having a commercial pilot license with ratings that are approved to work for airline companies otherwise a company own small single engine airplanes, interview used to be carried on for applicants who meet minimum entry requirements to have a final conversation of choosing those who are able to fly airplane correctly having no back ground history of accidents that are used to enable a good support,
Company rules used to provide means to allow anyone come across basic requirements that are needed to be complied when working as a pilot, these are established by any company to ensure there is safety for an entire process of flight operations within a company, including a contract agreement as an official document to show each and everyone is well conducted with means to provide a better working condition that used to be available when having means to assist an entire route to fly an airplane correctly, monthly payments use to be included in that company contract that used to assist anyone to have a whole process of finding means to work correctly,
Civil Aviation Authority of Chile used to give accurate information on how to get a foreign license converted or applying for a new one if done with pilot training in this country, renewal used to be a process for anyone who has a license that has come to an expire and needs a new one, then some assistance in flying an airplane include weather forecasting and other useful information to a pilot in flight used to be provided by civil aviation authority, and medical certificate is obtained only if a pilot manage to pass some of medical checking from an approved aviation doctor or anywhere with permission to conduct that important test to pilots who are applying for that certificate,
Work permit used to change each time when having a reason to continue with means to assist an entire process of finding ways to work as a foreigner, that is based on the government of Chile procedures to those who are coming from another country to work on some positions, that include pilots who are coming from another countries with contracts from companies to work on short or long term based on experience or qualifications that are now increased with means to assist an entire route to fly an airplane the right way, applications use to be in any of responsible department of this country government and there are some time to wait for processing,
Employment rates use to change according to ways that are well controlled to enable a good assistance of finding means to work as a pilot, and because there are current enough number of companies hiring pilots then a rate use to be higher sometimes when each office is ending contracts and about to start a new one for new applicants, include routes about to be added or new airplane purchased used to add more positions that are allowing an entire process of finding ways that are needed anywhere by those who are finding pilot jobs to get started with from regional airlines and later to upgrade to major airlines when having skills and experience needed,
Hiring seasons use to change to make some of improvements based on means to create new employment opportunities when tourists are keep on increasing during some months of vacation or when there is an increase in business relationships with other countries, then special events such as sports and entertainment use to add more sells in a company and needs to hire more extra pilots to assist current ones to operate some routes that are having means to create new routes successful, these are taken seriously when having bookings already and routes to be established make some seasonal flights to Chile with a lot of advantages to those who operate those new flights,
Expected routes that a pilot can fly is from the capital city Santiago to some places within a country and outside of this country when having international routes operated by some of airlines having means to hire pilots and then assign them with new responsibilities that are used to be provided by a reason of having means to continue with what it takes to complete an entire route to fly an airplane, scheduled flights are used by companies that are registered own jet type of airplanes used to carry large number of people in their seats use to have advantages for flights that are already scheduled with bookings that were made in the past and upfront payments,
Possible Changes that a pilot can make include those within a company with possible ways to upgrade a position or shift from one airplane to another when done with a course for conversion or a type rating if needed, then some of companies use to hire pilots who are done with flying experience from another one and these are shown as a prove of having logged in flying hours when applying for such a position, those who are flying for international airline companies use to have some advantages of upgrading to modern airplanes include those involved for a long range flights that are not easy to get into them when start a career flying small single engine airplane use to take years,
Conclusion on how to get started with a way of finding a job for a pilot in Chile is to have a private conversations with some of company recruitment team or anyone who is making decision on hiring any new pilot to join the company, that comes as a result of finding a good place with qualifications that meet their entry requirements make possible to continue with means to assist anyone come across basic needs to advance a career into a more professional way, and since there are means to continue with positions from companies own single and multi engine airplanes then later apply for a first officer or captain positions when available and announced by airlines,