Available airline companies in Romania use to provide a good service for passengers and anyone who wish to transport cargo by using airplanes, meanwhile positions for pilots to apply when having qualifications include license and other basic requirements for airline companies are also available, provided in a special interval shown inside official websites under a career page for any airline about to hire new pilots to fly for domestic routes within Romania connecting major cities of this country and allow international connected flights to some destinations that use to have a lot of passengers who are traveling, at the moment available commercial airline companies are;

: Animawings

: Dan Air

: Hi Sky Europe


: Air Bucharest

: Carpatair

: Tiriac Air

Current hiring for pilots from above mentioned airline companies is good but use to depend on what a pilot is having some of qualifications needed only few pilots afford to get training done in order to continue with any available option, also there are some of preferred qualifications when having any of them a company use to take only applicants who manage to have a good understandings of what it takes to continue with an entire process of finding ways to deal with what it has been shown as a prove to have knowledge of flying an airplane safely, experience is always a better thing to have especially on a type of airplane about to apply for a job,

Company rules use to guide anyone who is working to follow some of procedures according to what a company recommend, making a successful work in progress even thought there are means to advance a career into a more professional way make possible to continue with means that are always finding positions that are well coordinated to enable means available to be controlled and influence more number of passengers who are flying in some locations make possible to escape some of risks caused by poor handling of an airplane, routes are planned in a specific order that make successful trips being under control of pilots who are having good working experience,

Civil Aviation Authority of Romania in short form named as CAA used to issue license to pilots who are done with training within a country and also convert some of foreign pilot license obtained outside of Europe, but current there are some positions that are enabled with means to assist an entire process of getting job done when searching for any employment from the mentioned airline companies above, EASA regulations are applicable to this country and anyone with a foreign license is advised to have it converted to compete well with other applicants who are interested to work for this country enabling a good support of some common services to pilots flying in Romania,

Work permit used to create new employment opportunities providing means to get permission when applying for a job as a foreigner in this country making possible to get any one when having an approval from the government to continue with means that are suggested for any foreigner include priorities that are given first to citizens and whenever it happen some are employed based on relationships or what a company prefer include instructors on some type of airplanes that use to have a different procedure and no one has such a higher skills and experience to help other pilots know how to control an airplane safely even creating new rules and procedures to follow,

Employment rates for pilot in Romania is at a normal standard and most of applicants who manage to secure their jobs from airline companies are citizens while few are foreigners, and some of highest qualifications needed for airline pilots include a type rating and airline transport pilot license when having any of these two ensure a pilot is able to compete and get a job from other applicants who are hundreds for the same position available, and type of airplanes to fly in Romania include those able to transport passengers while others able to carry cargo to some locations inside Europe and outside of this continent to destinations that use to have good market of products,

Hiring seasons has no specific date each company use to have own terms and conditions on when to hire new pilots in their fleet, some use to find positions whenever there is a pilot who is about to leave for another company or when a contract has come to an end, some chances that are well known to be good to apply for any position include those to be available when a company has place an order to purchase a new airplane, and some of international routes are now having good positions to apply for new pilots but their offices are based in a foreign country to be provided with means to assist an entire process of finding ways to continue with a better support of working in a company when having a position granted to continue with a new employment opportunity,

Expected routes that a pilot can fly used to depend on location where Airline Company is based and for Romania it is in Bucharest to some connections that are extended to major cities in Europe that being some of places to expect when planning to fly type of airplanes such as Boeing and Airbus but for turbo prop type of airplanes they use to connect only domestic destinations with some routes to nearby countries, airlines use to have scheduled flights and any position to a new employment for a pilot must be expected to work as a full time pilot while some of private charters use to have unscheduled flight routes to rent an airplane when having means to afford the cost,

Possible changes to anyone who wish to fly a certain route or another type of airplane within a country use to have a special permission submitted to a responsible department within a company for review of such a request in order to continue with any request submitted after being approved to fly a different route or airplane when having a course done for such a kind of airplane, some pilots use to change a company and that is possible within some of registered airlines in Romania is possible to get a new position anywhere when having experience and knowledge of flying some type of airplane, license is important qualification to have include a type rating if there is any available,

Conclusion on how to find a pilot job in Romania used to vary according to year when a company is upgrading a fleet of airplane to new ones, or whenever some of pilots are about to leave for major airlines, retirements or when their contract agreement has come to an end, back ground employment for the past in this country use to be bad because there were few airplanes to consider getting a job from them, now changes has been made and current there are more positions to apply not for graduate student pilots who are still having a hard work to pass through experience in some of airplanes prior to get started with first officer applications and job in some companies,