Available airlines that are operating in Burkina Faso used to have means to hire new pilots, their main office include a headquarter where airplanes are base in the capital city of this country or any international airports preferred is where to expect some of positions to be available to hire new pilots, and domestic flights are available together with some of routes that are continue to international standard make possible to continue with means to advance a career into a more professional way, private airplanes and business jets are used to fly in this country owned by some of companies and current airlines use to have more positions and some of them to apply for a job are;

: Air Burkina

: Faso Airways

: Liz Aviation

: Colombe Airlines

Current Hiring for pilots use to change according to what it takes to continue with position available, and pilots are not hired at the moment because some of positions available in the past are fully occupied, needs qualifications to get them back later in the future when became available and since there are more information obtained from each on who is interested to apply they use to prefer those with previous working experience counted as flight hours inside their logbook, and in additional to that is pilot license with ratings that are showing a prove to gain skills and experience to fly some type of airplanes available using an interview to access one applicant after another,

Company Rules use to enable any pilot to work according to what it is recommended by an operator of any company that has hire a pilot, contract use to place a legal agreement in between when having a new job as a pilot to fly for a compensation or hire with good monthly payments at the end, working time table use to include breaks that comes after few days of consecutively work while some weeks to months for a holiday with payoff when out and in to continue with a work in progress, duties are carried out each day for companies that use to have scheduled flight routes while unscheduled routes remain for small airplanes to rent for a different purpose,

Civil Aviation Authority of Burkina Faso used to create new employment opportunities to make possible changes to what it takes to continue with available options that are used to assist anyone with new positions that are available to make more improvements in what it takes to get a license converted or renewal for anyone which was in use in normal operations, there are more to expect from this government department of aviation include security and extra services such as weather forecasting, air traffic controller and special information to pilots named as NOTAM used to inform new changes to routes or ways to fly an airplane based on availability of nav aids and airports,

Work Permit is a special permission from the government of Burkina Faso to any foreign pilot who wish to work in this country, first will be provided with a special visa from embassy office to allow to travel and live in this country for a duration of one year while working in any company that use to hire foreigners, then after an expire of that visa there is more information on how to get started with application for a work permit, it is simple because some of documents will be needed include a passport and later of having a position in any company employed as an expert pilot to some of positions that are not able to be occupied by citizens who are lacking some of flying experience,

Employment Rates used to be at a normal standard in this country because there is few airplanes to hire pilots in different positions, though qualifications are still needed each time when planning to have means to assist anyone with new procedures these are taken seriously when having means to assist an entire process of locating means to come across basic needs, none type rated pilots use to fly small airplanes only until when having a course for a type rating is when being eligible to apply for a position in airline companies, cargo flights are few compared to passenger type of airplanes that are usually found to be relating to means to assist anyone with new hiring,

Hiring Seasons use to change based on current demand that a company use to have some use to hire pilots based on contract agreement that come to an end after some years, and each time when having a new airplane then it is a good time to consider having opportunities to apply for a job when announced, websites use to give latest information on when and how a company will hire a next group of pilots, these are taken seriously and even provided with a special email for anyone responsible with recruitment of new pilots who are now provided with means to assist anyone come across basic requirements to continue with works that are hard to find sometimes,

Expected Routes that a pilot can fly include those within a country make possible to reach some places on time and back to the airport of departure with another group of passengers, it is costly for most of people who are living in this country to use air transportation service, then companies use to expect some of tickets to be purchased by tourists or people who are coming from a foreign country to include means to support an entire process of finding what it takes to continue with a good assistance of finding ways to deal with chances that are improved to enable anyone come across basic requirements needed to allow international routes to be available and make use of them,

Possible Changes that a pilot can make include means to advance a career into a more standard airplane when having experience or a course already completed it is possible to change from a single engine to a multi engine airplane and when done with type rating it is possible to apply for a position in any of airline company in Burkina Faso include also international ones that keep employing any pilot who is having enough flying experience to fly certain type of airplanes that use to be available, changes on routes are simple to make when inside a company by request or submitting a special permission for that new route about to fly depending on personal interest,

Conclusion on ways to find a pilot job in Burkina Faso used to depend on what companies prefer on an entire process of finding means to assist anyone come with positions that are provided to make changes that used to happen on time, development of flight routes use to change according to what it takes to continue with means to assist anyone get things done correctly include an application for a job that use to have some challenges to obtain a chance when having less flying hours that are needed to complete each and everyone who is really interested to continue with an entire process that make possible to enable anyone come with a great position on time,