Available airlines in Sri Lanka include some of cargo flights that are involved in business of transportation of bananas to foreign countries, domestic routes include those relating to passenger transportation by some of regional airlines, and international routes are commencing from the capital city of this country to some locations that use to have a lot of connections and benefits of running this business successful, since then some increase in ways to find a chance to continue with ways to assist an entire process found to be the best in locations that are now updated to make improvements in what it takes to continue with a process of finding pilot jobs from;

: Sri Lankan Airlines

: Fits Air

: Air Senok

: Cinnamon Air

: Daya Aviation

: Simplyfly

: Serendib Airways

: Flysouthern

: Cosmos Aviation

Current Hiring use to change based on interest and according to position available, at the moment the above mentioned companies use to have positions for captains while most of first officers positions are fully occupied, and expected to be available later in the future when having means to advance a career into a more professional way even creating means to advance a chance that used to provide ways to create new opportunities to new applicants who are always looking for jobs to get a chance to increase their flying experience in order to be considered for future jobs when having qualifications that are preferred anywhere in the world with a lot of rewards,

Company Rules use to give a good guidance to anyone new to learn ways to behave and having discipline while working by following procedures when flying an airplane or when working as an assistance pilot to handle some of tasks on behalf of a pilot in command to make some of improvements successful having means to enable anyone come across basic needs that are always needed to allow a good support of well recognized as a company for best service on offer, each airline use to employ pilots with experience to avoid a risk of getting an accident that use to make some of passengers not happy with a service and that is well controlled by strong company rules,

Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka used to provide means to assist an entire process that make successful process of finding ways to continue with a work in progress to enable anyone find ways to deal with chances that are used to be available in case of finding ways to increase a good understandings of what it takes to continue with opportunities that are well controlled and enabled with chances that are well  announced to be given as a service when having a license they will convert to the current one to use when flying in Sri Lanka the same applicable to medical certificate and any other means to get some basic services when flying in airspace of this country,

Work Permit used to be available to apply for foreigners who are coming to work in Sri Lanka and sometimes when having a visa that is allowing a foreigner to work anyone maybe allowed to continue with employment offered until when that visa has come to an expire date, government policy use to be available and some terms to comply when working in this country, citizens use to have an advantage of skipping this step when having passport or national identification card to show when applying for a position in airline company, usually an application for a work permit takes some days to weeks after submitting required documents to the government office to wait for a feedback,

Employment Rates is at a normal standard because this country is not owning a lot of companies with airplanes instead some of them are only sufficient to enable anyone to continue with an entire process of finding locations that are used to be well assisted to make a good understandings of what it takes to continue with new positions available anywhere when getting started, type rating is one among the requirement to secure a position to some of companies whenever become available to be taken, passenger airplanes are more in number compared to cargo flights that are carried on each time when planning to have a reason to fly an airplane in a more professional way,

Hiring Seasons use to be higher when there are pilots who are changing a company or their contracts has come to an end also there are more chances for captain positions if there are some about to retire, it is important to have qualifications in order to be considered when there are position available to be occupied to anyone who is really interested to continue with an entire process of finding means to advance a career into a more professional way, even though there are means to allow anyone having successful chance to apply and get a job, seasons use to change and a better time is when a company is buying a new airplane or having latest news about hiring dates,

Expected Routes that a pilot can fly after getting a job include those from the capital city of Sri Lanka named as Colombo and even manage to continue with flight operations within a country for some of domestic routes that are now successful carrying passengers who are connecting flights to some of destinations with means to assist an entire route of flying an airplane the right way, finding possible routes that are now assisted to get things done the right way even improve better positions to enable ways that are well controlled to deal with each position that used to be available, scheduled routes are given as a duty to work on it each day in order to get a monthly payment,

Possible Changes are based on routes to fly as a pilot this is simple procedure to follow when having a job already obtained from a company then it is remain only few things to be added as a result of finding options available, and since there are more chances to find a job in India or Maldives to some of companies that are having good routes and positions when having experience already obtained when working in another company then it is possible to change when a contract given has come to an end, and that is basically given whenever there are more number of pilots who are coming in the future or current there is more pilots who are not yet hired and waiting to get a job,

Conclusion use to relate to some of information provided from the company official websites whenever there is a new route added or a new airplane delivered in one way or another there are chances to apply in that company, these are simple techniques in use to find a pilot job in foreign countries or some of locations that  are having a hard time to locate some options that are used to be available, and since there are new improvements to continue with what it takes to complete an entire process these are taken seriously when having means to assist anyone come across basic needs that are available to assist anyone get a job when having qualifications include valid license,