
Available airlines companies in Turkey they are sufficient to give employments to all qualified pilots from this country based in Ankara and Istanbul there are many ways to get started with this career as new graduate from flight school, either a domestic airline company or an international one Turkish Airlines, private owned types of airplanes are also available and business jets for companies that seems to have the same procedures which are provided by means of assisting further responsibilities each and everyone is looking on to those who are getting started, headquarter is also main offices located on the same capital city of Istanbul and list of companies are;

: A jet

: Corendon Airlines

: Pegasus Airlines

: South wind Airlines

: Sun Express

: Turkish Airlines

: Free bird Airlines

: Tailwind Airlines

: MNG Airlines

: Air ACT

: Turkish Cargo

: ULS Airlines Cargo

Current Hiring is based on some of the mentioned companies above used to create more opportunities to all qualified candidates from international or local flight schools preferred to get started in this career of flying airplanes, experience always matters when having hundreds to thousands of flying hours on jet airplanes there is huge advantages of being acceptable in an interview process which used to demand all qualifications to be met in order to continue with what it takes to complete with training program on time, these are used to be provided by means of creating a good understandings of what it takes to get an advantage at the end,

Company Rules that used to develop a lot of information regarding changes to be noticed these are always find to assist an entire working conditions, including agreement to each employee and duties that keep assisting further responsibilities that are always provided to meet a standard that each and everyone is required to have, monthly estimated payments for a pilot in Turkey is higher for airline companies anywhere from $3000 and can rise to a maximum of $10,000 depending on company or position that a pilot is working, holidays is available include short break out of work after a long time working without resting there is a short time to spend out of work,

Civil Aviation Authority of Turkey is used to give an oversees strategic planning that keep assistance of what it takes to complete each and everything needed to create a room to each and everyone needed, these are enabled in term of license conversion process as one of benefits of this government department of transportation, that renew also a pilot license that has come to an expire date, medical certificate and anything relating to that include application of a new one from aviation doctor of anywhere responsible with a process of checking for weather condition, also important information such as those related to weather condition and terms to comply according to ICAO,

Work Permit is enabling anyone from a foreign country to get a government permission to work in Turkey that being a reason number one to deal with an entire work in progress that keep assisting further responsibilities to continue with work in progress, a process used to get started when applying for a working visa in any of the embassy office of this country, citizens are given priority when coming to applications to work but foreigners are assisted with documents and paper works that prove to have a lot of information regarding new changes due to happen on time, and application process used to spend some time to get it done successful when meet requirements needed,

Employment Rates used to be higher for pilots who manage to own a type rating flying modern jet airplanes that most of the time are provided with means that keep on creating further responsibilities to continue with ways to deal with an entire route to fly an airplane correctly, none type ratings are positions for pilots who have no such a qualification of flying certain type of airplane instead only experience from a different airplane of the same type qualified to start even in a new one, passenger type of airplanes used also to have more number of positions for pilots to apply compared to cargo type of airplanes which are having a different application process,

Hiring Seasons is always during a time when there is a lot of travelers more number of routes are carried out each day and whenever there is a travel restrictions in some countries because of bad weather in example when snow fall in most countries located in the northern hemisphere rises above the limit for flight operations causes more flights to be directed to Turkey for a connection, this and many other reasons create more routes which leads to creation of new employment opportunities that hire new pilots to work for a company when there is more passengers or cargo to be transported from major airports based in this country at any season of the year,

Expected Routes that a pilot can fly is always depending on duties assigned, there is a way to ask any question relating to that when getting started with a career to fly as a pilot from any airline company based on this country, domestic routes are having less routes while international routes are having more flights that arrive or departing from this country, having more flying experience and all type of qualifications a pilot is always required to deal with an entire process of finding ways to deal with what it takes to complete with training in order to fly an airplane safely these are well coordinated to deal with an entire process of finding ways to complete training on time,

Possible Changes to routes or position inside a company depending on negotiations that a pilot used to make with a company officials, companies used to provide a well coordinated information that used to create more opportunities to each and everyone needed, changes used to happen on time when having means to create more successful routes that each and everyone is interested, airplanes available in Turkey varies from small to modern ones with means to assist further responsibilities to come across basic requirements to each and everyone interested to continue with what might be an interest to complete with new positions each time when available,

Conclusions based on what it might be a reason to advance a career into a more professional way giving possible changes each time when applying for a pilot job, in this country there are many ways to get hired from a company depending on personal qualifications, experience and relationships that exist, current employees on any position are easy to be converted into a pilot seat when done with training, and back ground history for development of airline companies in this country are based on success that happen in the past and now more number of airplanes in example from Turkish Airlines used to have a new way to assist in getting things done the right way,