Available airlines of Timor Leste use to have legal certificates from government to conduct flight operations in and outside of this country, domestic routes are found to be within providing air transportation services for citizens and foreigners who are taking a visit to this place, international routes are available under ownerships of companies based in another countries providing the best services in air transportations include business and economy seats to buy when about to travel in some of destinations, business trips use to relate to relationships that exist with other places or locations with market of products for sell in Timor Leste, airlines based in this country are;
: Aero Dili
: Air Timor
Current hiring for pilots in this location is good include payments that satisfy any pilot who is flying in this location even though there are less chances of secure a job and get paid because of few companies found in this place, also there is a need to have enough qualifications any time when there are jobs to apply, preferred when a pilot has been working for another company for some years provided with means to create a new information being provided to them, normally there are ways to deal with options needed as such new entry requirements include an interview use to be conducted in each selection of new pilots who are about to get started in a company,
Company rules were established to deal with a whole process of finding possible routes to fly an airplane correctly and accurately, well provided to each employee in order to have a full responsibilities in any of department being in use, at the moment there are contracts that make a whole agreement of dealing with options needed as such there are means to create a new information that make a possible route to fly an airplane safely, these are coming as a result of having new rules and regulations from ICAO, civil aviation authority of Timor Leste and manufacture of airplane regarding proper way to operate an airplane, contract include amount to be paid at the end of each month
Civil Aviation Authority of Timor Leste use to allow anyone to fly in this country when having license obtained from another ICAO member state to be converted to meet a standard needed in this location, renewal process for a pilot license and medical certificate is a simple process to follow, as such there are new information being provided as a result of obtaining permission to operate an airplane in this place, each new register or approved company use to have an advantage of increase employment opportunities for pilots who are new or didn’t qualify in the past job application process, always there are ways to pass through in order to qualify with a new employment opportunity,
Work permit use to have means of approve anyone with new information regarding changes to be noticed these are found to be the best when conducting a good way of starting with new routes about to fly as a new pilot, who come from a foreign country there is a permission to obtain from immigration department of Timor Leste regarding changes to be noticed that are found to be the best each time when planning to have a good way of getting started to come across basic needs, always there are good procedures to follow well announced and assisted even from embassy office of this nation regarding anyone new with a job offer to start flight operations in this location,
Employment rates is low especially for pilots who are about to apply as a first officer or a captain for airline companies or co pilot and a pilot in command for small airplane operators, usually there are means to conduct a research based on available registered companies in this country, it is simple to understand that from a list of airplanes found in an official civil aviation authority website to make a proper decision regarding ways to enable anyone come across basic entry requirements of getting started with a job application if there is anyone available to apply direct from company’s office or through internet by the uses of websites and email address provided,
Hiring seasons for pilots use to change sometimes provided with means of creating special conditions that allow anyone to have a good chance of getting paid when working in any of the company involved in air transportation services in Timor Leste, these include seasons when a company use to have a lot of seats purchased or placed as a booking by tourists who are having interest to travel for a purpose of visiting this country, business trips use to have an advantage of adding more chances for jobs that pilots use to apply in this location prepared in a matter of providing special responsibilities to come across basic requirements needed all the time when flying an airplane,
Expected routes to fly in this destination use to be from the capital city or any airport that is famous to places within Timor Leste or outside when having connections and airplanes to reach those places safely, as a result of having enough flying experience international routes are able to be obtained when working for a major airline company, but pilots use to get started with domestic routes found within a country before building more flying hours to continue with anyone found somewhere with special interest, usually there are reasons to continue upgrading routes from a company to build more flying experience with special request and permission from office,
Possible changes that a pilot can make when working in any company is from upgrading seats that are being in use some of them are found to be from being an assistance pilot to a pilot in command while others use to be for a route about to fly, all of them use to have a special request or submission of an official letter in the company’s office requesting for such a change, it is possible because there are pilots who quit their jobs while others retire from their current positions sometimes during a year then these chances use to be available, while those who are changing to another company must submit or apply for a new job from scratch with an interview to pass,
Conclusion on how to apply for a pilot job or finding anyone in Timor Leste is to check first available airlines with routes that are conducted in this location, it is not necessary for a company to have a base in this country, but anyone with active route is able to apply or offer a job to anyone interested to work in this location, posts use to be available each year and allow anyone who meet entry requirements to have a reason to continue upgrading special needs that allow a whole process to be successful, usually there are many ways to come across basic needs of finding means to create a new procedures that allow a whole process of become a pilot successful in this country,