Available airline companies in SOUTH SUDAN use to have connections include support from other companies based in foreign countries, following a long time conflict in this country there is less development as a result of that and pilots are not having jobs to apply as a result of fleet expansions to some of companies that are current registered or used to be available in this location, domestic routes use to be available in the past active and having good number of passengers to be transported following a conflict there is less routes to be provided some of them are owned by airlines based in nearby countries in Example Kenya and Ethiopia being good places to get started,

: Golden Wings Aviation

: South West Aviation

Current Hiring is still very low because majority of companies run out of business and then change a country to some places which prove to have a good market in air transportation services, in the past they use to hire pilots based on qualifications obtained from flight schools and previous working experience from airline companies, preferred to be type of pilots to be considered when having means to understand new information being provided to them in order to continue upgrading new decision making process, that being a reason to continue with new ways of working for chances that are used to be obtained after passing an interview that used to give new tests,

Company Rules used to work according to ways that keep a good support of finding means to advance a career into a more professional way keep a well coordination to sign a new contact agreement, that make an official negotiations when about to work for any company that has a route flight to Juba International Airport provided with means to assist such an operations such as passengers who are buying some seats to enable a company carry out successful flight operations in this destination, some of duties are well assigned to each and everyone interested to deal with majority of support based on what it takes to continue with new employment opportunities

Civil Aviation Authority of this country works to give permission to air transportation services carried out by domestic or international companies operating to this country, make possible to approve a foreign license to any pilot who is about to work in this country, also include renewal process to anyone available in this location and about to continue with daily flight operations to some destinations, medical certificate and some of procedures to make aviation more safe are carried out, include common services to expect at the airport such as air traffic controller and weather forecasting are remain under civil aviation authority of South Sudan,

Work Permit is a form of permission to a foreign pilot who use to find a way to live and work in South Sudan, at the moment there are only many flights that used to arrive in this country based on Humanitarian mission in some places that used to have problems and needs an international assistance from organizations such as UN and UNHCR which does not need a work permit instead those companies used to have foreign pilots who are about to live and work in this country are supposed to have a work permit or a visa indicated permission to work in this country were granted successful according to means that used to create new employment opportunities,

Employment Rates for pilots is still unknown but some of estimates according to number of airplanes arrive or routes that are found to be active in this country are few then there is low to no jobs for pilots over a long time in this country, some positions that are expected to be available include those from companies based in other countries make possible to have higher rates include means to support some of pilots who are coming from this country when having qualifications to continue with new positions that are used to be available, and in taking things more seriously there are more information being provided that are used to be of assistance in application,

Hiring Seasons use to change according to companies that are keep on operating airplanes in some locations these are provided for a reason of finding opportunities that are well provided to meet a standard that is being needed to take a full time working experience in some companies use to have some advantages of secure a job when start as a pilot who is volunteering their work in progress for an aim of getting a pilot job later, positions use to be available from companies based in nearest counties based on qualifications that a pilot use to have anyone is able to secure a job, and there is no special dates that were made specifically to announce available employment opportunities,

Expected Routes that a pilot can fly used to relate to some of active scheduled flight routes from companies mentioned from the first paragraph that fly out of Juba to some locations that used to have more passengers who are able to buy flight tickets and travel, with connections expected to be from Ethiopia and some of Arab countries for routes to fly to some of international destinations, scheduled route flights to fly based on personal interest include some connecting domestic routes within a country owned by private companies, operating single and multi engine airplanes providing air support to some of camping and locations that are having a demand to be accessible,

Possible Changes that a pilot can make when in this country is to advance a career into a more professional way by considering some of companies found in neighboring countries with airlines that use to have active flight routes that are scheduled and allow a pilot to gain more flying experience provided with means to assist an entire process of locating the best option available, and things tends to change according to what it takes to continue with an entire process of finding means to advance a career into a more professional way, that being a reason number one of making information successful to deal with an entire process of finding what it takes to change a position,

Conclusion on how to find a pilot job is based on some interest that used to be provided according to means to advance a career into a more professional way, make possible to have some sort of assistance in making what it takes to continue with a career as a pilot when having qualifications and possible options to apply for a position in any company with route that is coming to South Sudan, able to gain experience and later to find any foreign company to work with as a first officer or a captain when having preferred qualifications to show during an application and interview time that is being carried to each new pilot prior to start a job in a company,