Available airline company in RWANDA is only one which is also a flag carrier of Rwanda having routes within a country and some destinations in East Africa while few routes are extended outside of Africa to foreign countries in Europe, a pilot in this country is considered to get a job when having means to provide best information on skills and experience required make possible to come across basic needs that a company prefer any applicant to have when getting started with an application form, preferred to have some qualifications already obtained because there is no sponsorship or training that a company use to offer to student pilots, and this airline company is;
: RwandAir
Current hiring is good and depend on some of qualifications that a pilot use to have while some airplanes needs higher skills to operate them with special type rating course completed from an approved flight training organization, preferred entry requirements are posted inside a website of this company helping anyone with special information on how to get started with an entire process of finding locations that are used to provide a better decision making on what it takes to continue with new employment that used to be available, interview is taken seriously when having means to take new pilots in a company with competitions from qualified applicants,
Company rules used to be relating to some new ways of finding means to assist anyone employed to deal with full responsibilities of tasks that are held in a company that is being provided by chances of advance a career into a more professional way, payments is good that a pilot use to receive on monthly basis from Rwandair for some of international routes flights include even domestic routes that a company own, working time table is fair with holidays in between when working in Rwanda, that is among attractions for pilots to keep on looking for positions to join and work as first officer or captain position whenever there is a need for any way to get hired,
Civil Aviation Authority of Rwanda used to ensure there is safety in term of flight operations in this country by checking and confirm each airline company with a route to this country is first registered to carry out some of flight operations with special certificates obtained as a prove of that permission to fly, pilots are used to be under control provided with license that needs a conversion process when obtained from a foreign country and if it is from an ICAO member state it is simple to be recognized in Rwanda as well, renewal process is simple with few procedures to follow as a result of having an expire date approaching, things such as medical certificate are able to be applied,
Work permit in most of African countries use to be very strict to get involve some of process to approve anyone to live and work, because of some limitations and challenges that citizens are current facing to secure some of jobs as a pilot from airlines or any private companies then it is important to consider having means include an approval of being able to be assisted in case of getting a job with permission to fly, applicable only for some of foreigners who come from countries that use to have good relationships with Rwanda providing information to give support to a new applicant to get a work permit if there is a job to work on from the flag carrier airline of this country,
Employment rates use to change and provided with means to assist anyone come across basic requirements that a company need their pilots to have, then whenever position are available is when new hiring is supposed to be given to any pilot, at the moment the rate of intake for new pilots is low because the company is current not having any order or purchase for a new airplane and in that case there are means to advance a career further with responsibilities of finding means to assist anyone come across basic requirements that are used to be available to allow anyone having means to create new employment opportunities to make some changes successful,
Hiring seasons that make possible to continue with a whole process of finding locations that are well prepared to continue with ways to get new pilots, used to be relating to company arrangement for new hiring season that comes whenever there are pilots about to leave a company or new positions to be available following a new route established or an airplane that was purchased from the industry, in general I can say a season that use to hire pilots in this country comes at the end of the year that being a good time to visit office or websites to learn more about future plans and hiring statistics for a company on some of positions that needs to be occupied immediately,
Expected routes to fly as a pilot with Rwandair after get a job in any position include common routes that are within East Africa for an airplane such as Dash 8 Q400 from Kilimanjaro, Nairobi and Dar Es Salaam direct routes to the capital city of Rwanda Kigali, but there are more for some of foreign nations within Africa with routes that are extended towards South Africa with connections from Namibia and Zimbabwe when heading to Johannesburg are used to be common ones using airplanes such as Boeing to accommodate all passengers who placed a booking and manage to purchase a ticket when flying to some destinations that are found to work well overtime,
Possible changes that a pilot can make for a route used to be available in making some of improvements successful that being a reason to continue with a whole process of finding means to advance a career even further when planning to have reasons to enable a pilot to change airplane if having that rating to fly another type or a route that is having problems and needs a pilot with enough experience to fly in a busy traffic environment anywhere with a flight route that is found to have some challenges, sometimes it is possible to get a pilot job easily when about to end a contract agreement with Rwandair and continue elsewhere with skills and experience gained as an advantage,
Conclusion on how to find a pilot job in this country is specifically for one company that being Rwandair having a website that used to show information on possible dates to hire new pilots under a career page inside their websites they use to update current hiring for positions such as first officer and captain, possible also to get a job from other companies from countries such as Tanzania and Kenya that use to have scheduled flight routes to this country provided with means to assist anyone continue with a whole process of flying to this country as a foreign pilot for a company that is based in another country, that use to have a different procedure to apply for a permission to work as a foreigner,