Available airline companies in NORTH KOREA include some from nearby places because the ones available are based under government operations only there is no private company with routes and base in any of airports, instead when there is a need to apply for any position consider the flag carrier of North Korea which use to own old fleet of airplanes some with multi engine while others are having more than two engines and large size to accommodate more number of passengers to some of destinations that are used to be successful anytime when planning to have means to advance a career, and at the moment there is only one company famous to carry out flight operations,
: Air Koryo
Current Hiring is based on citizens only and whenever necessary a company use to train local pilots include military officers who are really interested to continue with means to complete an entire route to fly an airplane in a more professional way, qualifications are based on their own interests and some does not require a type rating instead a license for a pilot to fly a multi engine airplane then getting started as a second in command until when having means to add more skills and experience in order to be considered as a captain to act as a pilot in command to some of airplanes that has been proved to be operated well by that pilot based on past checks by other pilots,
Company Rules are strictly to some of new pilots or applicants who are given priority to apply for some of positions needed to continue with their career even further to some destinations needed, contracts used to change according to normal agreements that are made specifically to manage a good understandings of what it takes to operate an airplane correctly and these comes from the government of this country because some of these airplanes were manufactured when there was no strong rules of air from ICAO or anywhere that make a good standard to ensure there is no future accidents or incidents, and hiring rules are based on qualifications only with citizenship of a pilot,
Civil Aviation Authority of North Korea use to change based on personal interest that make possible to have means to continue with flight operations as a pilot, first anyone who is done with training must apply for a pilot license from a director general of civil aviation authority based in Pyongyang, any renewal process for a license is based on the same office with procedures to apply each time when having means to continue with a job from Air Koryo or any company approved to carryout flight operations to this country, medical certificate is given according to standard or health status of a pilot and in this case for a commercial pilot license a first class medical is needed,
Work Permit use to change rules and regulations for working in this country though there is few foreigners who are current employed in different positions, all of them are required to have an assistance to make a good results of finding options that are well prepared to manage a good assistance of finding means to continue with what it takes to complete an entire process that used to demand some rules from the government to be fulfilled in order to spend some situations that are well provided to make sure there are few things to be considered with them on time, and once there are means to complete an entire process these are taken seriously by new applications,
Employment Rates in North Korea for pilots is low and usually favor citizens with rank or respect from military used to get priority in term of getting position to continue with a career as a pilot in some of airplanes owned by Air Koryo, then some qualifications remain the same include a commercial pilot license to fly any of multi engine airplanes that this country own, and as a result of finding different options available these are taken seriously when having means to advance a career further with new responsibilities to deal with what it takes to complete an entire process that make possible outcome of finding positions in other countries whenever there is anyone to apply,
Hiring Seasons use to change based on calendar for the company that own and run most of route flights in North Korea Air Koryo, with main office in Pyongyang there are usually new positions to apply when having qualification to get started with any of position available, business trips and special events within a country influence more routes to be available and even for a company to consider hire more pilots to fly some of passengers when a number has exceed more airplanes are added, some of these routes are successful while others use to depend on some of seasons flights to some destinations and make possible to have a good hiring for pilots,
Expected Routes are starting with some of cities or towns within North Korea with passengers who are traveling to connect some of international routes from Pyongyang when heading to some locations outside of this country, domestic routes are successful include some of international route flights to Asia and Middle East, when working for other airline companies there are some positions to get started with an entire process of finding places to get started with an entire process of being hired and then fly to nearby places to this country to get some advantages of carrying passengers who are coming to take a visit to this nation and then back home using a go and return ticket,
Possible Changes that make some of improvements to each location used to be the best when having means to assist anyone with a demand of finding options that are always successful, make possible to continue with a career that will be successful needed to make some improvements to make well coordination successful, even thought there are new rules that are now updated to make changes successful, routes are used to be under company operational procedures include changes in positions such as from a first officer to a captain used to be updated with means to assist an entire process of getting hired in any position available in Air Koryo or another airline,
Conclusion on how to find a pilot job in North Korea is to focus only on the national flag carrier of this country though it own old fashion type of airplanes but they are able to give flying experience that is acceptable by all airline companies when having a type rating to get started with any position from another company, back ground history of that company started some years ago and then no developments such as purchasing or placing orders of new airplanes, future expectations are remain the same having the same type of airplane with no changes to type or new airplanes to be purchased instead the same old fleet will be in use according to company operational procedures that are needed,