
Available airlines in Mauritania use to have routes to Europe because this country is located closer to this continent and it does not take a long route to travel, these include all international routes from other nationalities as well, an advantage is connection for airlines in other western African countries, but domestic flight routes use to be available within a territory joining all places with passengers who are afford to buy flight tickets, so in airline companies and some of private owners for airplanes use to have reasons to hire pilots when having routes to fly such a kind of an airplane, and the following is a company with main base in this country;
: Mauritania Airlines
Current hiring for pilots in Mauritania is not at a good standard because there are few airplane companies registered and use to have less chances for new pilots to apply, probability of finding a job for pilots use to be less but it is possible to secure a job position from any open vacancy when having qualifications to apply and meet requirements needed to advance a career into a better standard, experience used to be checked when submitting a Cv include copies of logbook to show exactly amount of flying hours accumulated from previous work done from another company, use to have an advantage of being regarded apart from other applicants,
Company rules use to depend and since there is only one famous airline and pilots from Mauritania are able also to apply for a job in any other airline with a route to this country, then there are some rules to follow these are established for a purpose of serving the entire airline company having means to advance a career into a more professional way, contracts use to have a legal agreement placed in between having a good understandings of what it takes to continue with duties and responsibilities that a pilot is required to fulfill when flying either as a pilot in command or second in command, payment is good given per month according to rank and position of pilots,
Civil Aviation Authority of Mauritania use to have some rules and regulations to follow to any airplane operator who is allowed to conduct flight operations to this country, having a special permission to take passengers or cargo from this nation and deliver in another one or from a different location to this country, pilots use to have some of services being provided to them include license conversion process or an approval to fly in the airspace of this country, medical certificate use to have a special way to get it, some of communications that are enabling a good situational awareness and separations use to give accurate information regarding changes to be noticed,
Work permit for pilots use to be a legal working permission from government only found to be necessary for anyone who is a foreigner and about to live and work in this country, government use to have some procedures that are needed to be complied according to immigration policy used to be obtained from embassy office as a visa to apply when about to work in this nation, citizens use to have a priority in term of applying a job they are excepted from work permit and use their national ID or passport to attach it with any supporting document during that time of applying for an interview in any company with routes that are coming to Mauritania,
Employment rates is low because of few companies that use to employ new pilots enabled with a good support of finding means to understand what it takes to fly safely an airplane, type rating are needed only for those who are interested to work as captain in airlines though there are some who are none type rated pilots with experience on type able to continue with a whole process of finding means to understand what it takes to complete training into a better standard that use to have a good resources of getting things done, passenger type of airplanes arriving in this destination are more compared to cargo type of airplanes with routes coming to this location,
Hiring seasons use to change and provided when positions become available, some reasons for a company to hire new pilots use to be in accordance to high number of passengers or a need to have more routes from the same company, then some maybe because of problems that use to enable anyone having means to understand what it takes to continue with routes to fly into different destinations, then some kind of assistance use to be provided whenever there is a need to advance means of creating ways to fly into some places, special events and business relationships contribute to more sells in a company make it able to hire extra pilots to assist those who are on duty,
Expected routes that are starting in Mauritania and then ended in other countries use to be from some of major airline companies with international flights that use to come to this country every day, while airlines based within this nation use to have domestic flight routes which are well assisted with companies that are enabling anyone having reasons to fly safely, scheduled flight routes use to have special bookings that allow customers to make a proper purchase of seats and then allow a good creation of routes that pilots are able to operate, usually that maybe taken from the capital city of this country to any place with connections that are heading to other countries,
Possible changes that a pilot can make that is based on decision to advance a career to a more professional level of being competent or regarded for a chance to work as a captain, including rules and regulations that are enabling well understandings of what it takes to fly an airplane safely, usually there are means to advance a career further with special decision making process that use to advance a career into a better standard, these are encouraged to deal with ways to come across basic needs that are used to be related to means to create possible changes as long as a company allow a pilot to change position or type of airplane according to initial contract agreement,
Conclusion on how to apply for a pilot job in Mauritania use to be in accordance to new rules and regulations that are imposed by a company to make a successful selection process when applying for a new job as a pilot, it is recommended sometimes to have somewhere with a company apart from this country to consider having means to advance different ways of flying an airplane in a safe way, background history of routes and future expectations use to encourage some of pilots to take advance training towards ratings or license in order to apply for a job whenever they become available, and it takes some time for such changes to happen when a company is upgrading its fleet,