
Available airline company in Gabon use to be for routes that are short ones because territory of this nation use to have limitations to air transportation with few places to connect flights, International routes use to be from some of nearby Western African countries while others use to be extended to other foreign nations that use to provide best services of direct routes or connections to other places, jobs that any pilots is looking on use to be available and having priority for citizens than foreigners who are coming to work in this place having a license use to be an advantage of securing any seat that is left open, airlines with permission to operate and base in Gabon include;
: Afrijet Business Service
: Nationale Regionale Transport
: Nouvelle Air Affaires Gabon
: Regional Air
: Solenta Aviation Gabon
Current hiring is based on monthly while some of companies prefer to issue payments to pilots according to agreement placed inside a contract, qualifications needed use to have a reason for a good payments sometimes when having higher skills and experience of taking control of an airplane safely than other pilots then a position or rank in a company use to be obtained by a pilot to become in command, a chief pilot or head of flight operations, experience use to be a good type of qualifications to get hired quickly as a pilot who prove to have all knowledge of working for any company, that make possible to pass an interview and having an advantage of getting paid well,
Company rules allow anyone having special recommendations on what to deal with or work to conduct when in a company to make active routes and available services of air transportation, contracts use to guide anyone new with all the needs of getting started with a new work include daily working time table, duties and responsibilities to follow according to what has been agreed during that time of an interview or a process of choosing another applicant, pilots use to know their responsibilities inside an airplane as a first officer or a captain include some from office in submission of documents and signing of some paper works include preparations for a flight,
Civil Aviation Authority of Gabon use to have means to create new services such as control of air traffic and provision of different services using a special frequency, radar and other navigation equipments are provided from airports and during the way, while pilots are having special services from this government office such as a license application process or a conversion when coming from a foreign country with a license that need to be checked prior to take some new information to put it into a standard that other pilots use to have when flying in this country airspace to avoid misunderstandings that are likely to happen sometimes and causes a plane crash,
Work permit is a special document issued from immigration department to a foreigner who is about to work in Gabon, that being for an expert or anyone that a company find useful to join among staff of other pilots, there are some limitations and not anyone is able to get this type of permission from government of Gabon, citizens use to make their application by using a passport or government issued ID to avoid disturbance of being considered as a foreigner, it takes time to obtain all the need that each one is well relating to means that are provided to make sure anyone is well concerning with special procedures that are given to anyone relating to options available,
Employment rates use to change and never the same because jobs for pilots use to be available depending on amount of companies that are current registered to operate in this country, and as a result of that positions to apply for any job use to be available when a company need new applicants for a route that seems to be open, normally there are ways to continue with routes that a pilot make possible to fly safely, these are regarded as a reason to complete with training and get all qualifications before applying for a job, because entry requirements use to be strictly as most of airplanes use to be relating to passenger transportations rather than cargo flights,
Hiring seasons is never the same because each year there is a statistic that show an increase and decrease in term of number of passengers who are arriving in Gabon and taking a full responsibilities on that some changes use to be relating to options that seems to be the best found to be corresponding to options that are well controlled, these are taken seriously, when having means to advance a career, normally there are ways to enable anyone come out with a good solution on how much to expect as a monthly payment, include when a company will have new jobs for pilot based on passengers to be transported for tourism, business, special events and end of the year celebrations,
Expected routes that a pilot can fly in Gabon use to be from the capital city of this nation Libreville with connection to places found within a territory of this country, normally there are domestic routes that are successful and needs new pilots anyone is able to choose a preferred way to fly an airplane and make a special request on some information that seems to work well when having reasons to secure that position, also there are international routes coming to the capital city connecting other foreign countries that seems to be relating to options that are useful to find means to crease routes that are well coordinated to deal with an entire process of finding pilot jobs,
Possible changes any pilot is able to make include those which are found to be relating to decision making for a type of route to fly because a single airplane can operate in many locations within and outside of Gabon then it is possible to apply and change a route to fly, also position if a type of airplane is allowed and certified to be under operations of two pilots then it is possible to change position and become a pilot in command later when prove to have all skills needed to be in command, the same is applicable for changes in between companies with additional interview to apply sometimes a limitation is when there is a competition to deal with all options needed,
Conclusion on ways to get a pilot job in Gabon use to be from a company office that is based in the capital city of this country, where pilots meet their recruitment team to get latest information include future expectations to employment opportunities that maybe available, and that make a good preparation in advance prior to any changes or order to be delivered in a company, though it is hard to give out a guarantee to someone who is having special procedures to deal with an entire process of finding a job for pilot, that being a reason to continue upgrading needs of finding best places to get started with new job opportunities as a pilot in this location, when prove to have relationships and strong connections from foreign companies,