Available Companies registered and flight operations in Dominican Republic used to have positions for pilots to apply these are based on what a company prefer and usually there are terms with some conditions to comply when about to apply or after getting a pilot job, domestic routes are available and use to be under ownership of some of companies that are based within a country probably regional airlines that use to have low cost of air transportation service connecting major towns and cities include international routes for travelers who arrive or about to departure to other countries, current there is the following companies registered and able to hire new pilots;

: Aeronaves Dominicanas

: Air Inter Island

: Air Santo Domingo

: Arajet

: RED Air

: Servicios Aereos Profesionales

: Sky Cana

: Sky High Aviation Services

Current Hiring for pilots use to change according to some positions that used to be available, and in the past time the above companies use to advertise some of positions to be applied by pilots who have qualifications to start a career in any of the above mentioned airlines, preferred to have experience of flying an airplane from another company without history of having an incident or accidence and during an interview original copies of license and other documents are required to check and confirm if a pilot meet all of the entry requirements, advantage of having qualifications include being considered for current or future employment in a company if will be available,

Company Rules changes sometimes based on what it seems to be the right way of continue with means to advance a route to some locations, make possible to continue upgrade more decision making process and even assist in getting things done the right way when having a contract agreement and duties already assigned to each employee, a company that hire a pilot in Dominican Republic use to have ways to pay pilots based on agreement but normally is on monthly basis that comes as a result of finding means to advance a career into a more professional way, each time when planning to continue with a career as a pilot any company used to have some rules to obey and follow,

Civil Aviation Authority of Dominican Republic is a government department used to be under ministry of transportation, responsible with air travel services in issue of license and ratings to new pilots who are about to convert their foreign qualifications to work in this country, also a renewal process is used to be taken from the same office include medical certificate and extra services that a pilot always need such as checking of weather and NOTAM which gives special information on availability of airspaces, navigation equipments and airports, used to work in accordance with ICAO rules and regulations to comply with them each time when learn to fly,

Work Permit is a legal permission obtained by any foreigner to continue with a work in Dominican Republic, another alternative way used to be a normal visa application process obtained from embassy office of this country, state an approval for a pilot to live while working in this country, used to have a period of validity that make possible to continue with an entire process of finding job and when done with that, a work permit used to follow with a new application, and it government policy for immigration in this country is applicable to anyone who is about to work in this country, citizens are excepted from this process make possible to apply direct a pilot job,

Employment Rates used to be good when a pilot is having requirements needed such as a type rating and airline transport pilot license for first officer or captain position in a company, while none type rated pilots use to work in some of companies that need a pilot to have enough flying hours to prove having experience needed to handle safely an airplane, passenger type of airplanes are more in number compared to airplanes involved in cargo transportation, these are shown as a result of finding means to assist anyone come out with basic requirements needed to continue with new ways of hiring pilots that are based on submission of Cv while waiting for interview,

Hiring Seasons is unknown for this country and what applicants use to do is to have a way of communicating with company employees to inform possible dates when a company will need new pilots to apply for positions that use to be available in a company, in that case a post is placed inside an official website for a company for anyone to read and understand requirements for some positions that use to be available, then some of influence which make companies hire new pilots include a season of having a lot of tourists who are coming to this country, or when a business and special events trips are combined make possible to hire new pilots to work for a short time,

Expected Routes to fly as a pilot used to be from the capital city of this nation to some places within a country but that use to have few passengers who are citizens and being a means of transport that is preferred by foreigners who are new to this country and interested to reach some places on time, basically there are ways to assist an entire process of finding means to continue with flight operations as a pilot either having scheduled or unscheduled flights according to standard of operation for a company, some of international routes use to come to this country are hard to get when having low qualifications, and routes are arranged by an operator within a company,

Possible Changes that a pilot can make use to depend on routes about to fly these are based on direct positions to continue with means to assist a well understandings of what it takes to get hired, and provided with new changes that use to be in accordance to new terms and conditions provided by the head of flight operation or a chief pilot who has an authority to assign a new route to a pilot or create a new working time table based on different time of departure and arrival for an airplane, changes from one type to another is possible only if a pilot is having qualifications already obtained inside a license that prove to be able to fly that type of airplane safely,

Conclusion which used to relate to means of working as a pilot in Dominican Republic as an alternative to current positions available, used to depend on back ground history for companies registered which used to have airplanes to choose, and as a result of development to place an order and purchase new airplanes there are more information to keep on assisting an entire process of working as a pilot, future expectations used to be depending on airline companies that are provided with means to assist anyone come across basic requirements of locating ways to get hired as a pilot that is applicable to both citizens and foreigners who are interested to work in this location,