Available airlines in Cameroon use to connect some of Western African countries make possible to have routes that are going to most of major cities in Africa and some destinations outside of this continent, This country is having regional airline companies own routes that are within a country allow some passengers to travel outside from the capital city while others who are entering to this destination find ways to connect to other cities and towns, airplanes available use to be under ownership of government while others by private companies registered to carryout flight operations within the territory, list of airline companies in this country include the following;

: Air Leasing Cameroon

: Camair Co

: Cargo Airways International

: Section Liaison Air Yaoundé

Current Hiring use to depend on some of reasons that a company see it is necessary to have prior to hire anyone to occupy a seat as a pilot to some of its airplanes, operated to some of destinations of this country, qualifications needed include a pilot license and additional ratings such as multi engine instrument with type rating, and when having experience on type of airplane then that is regarded as a preferred entry requirements by most of pilots who are really interested to deal with an entire process of finding ways to complete a route of finding a pilot job, interview use to be available anytime when submitting an application form for a position that is available,

Company Rules changes according to what it seems to be the right way to control and operate airplanes according to rules and regulations from manufacture include those from this country and ICAO recommended practices to make air transport safe to deliver cargo or passengers to their final destination, eliminating risks of getting accidents or incidents when flying an airplane owned by a company, contract use to give a guidance and legal agreement according to laws of this country to any pilot with a job to fly passenger type of airplanes in this country, payments use to be good depending on seasons and agreement made in between a pilot and administration,

Civil Aviation Authority of Cameroon with head office in the capital of this country use to have support to any pilot enable anyone to apply for a license and make a conversion process that make possible also to have a good understandings of what it takes to continue with an entire way of finding a job when having a license, and some use to be obtained from flight schools based in this country, renewal process use to be applicable when a license has come to an expire, and a medical certificate use to have a different procedure to get one after pass a special check from aviation doctor or anywhere approved to take some of tests for pilots in order to make a proper decision on class of medical certificate authority is about to give,

Work Permit is a form of permission given by means of assisting an entire process of finding options that are allowing means to create a new position that use to be available, these are taken seriously when preparing a way of supporting a foreigner with special permission to operate an airplane in this country, usually embassy office issue a visa that is relating to work to be done and some of assistance from a company when they need an expert pilot such as an instructor on a certain type of airplane a whole process of applying and get a work permit use to be simple and contain few requirements to deal with an entire way of finding what it takes to work in this country,

Employment Rates use to change according to companies and operational of airline companies, pilots are required to have at least a type rating when planning to fly a passenger type of airplane, and rates use to vary according to number of applicants sometimes use to be higher when routes are active and a company is having more passengers to be transported while some of them are involved in cargo transportation add more needs to each one who is interested to get employment as a pilot in Cameroon, private companies also are available own airplanes and use to hire pilots as well make a rate of employment higher but not as in other countries which own a lot of airlines,

Hiring Seasons is whenever there are movements of people who are coming to this country in example during the time of football competitions when players and fans purchase tickets to continue with a journey to some locations with some interest of finding ways to assist an entire route of flying to some locations, tourists are having means to provide a better understandings of some of seasons that use to have discount or lower cost flight tickets to make purchase or bookings early, special events use to change sometimes as a result of finding ways to assist an entire process of locating means to provide ways that are usually provided by means of assisting a whole hiring process,

Expected Routes that a pilot can fly when having a job already obtained make possible to continue with means that are well provided to make sure each and everyone is well prepared with means to assist what it takes to continue with ways that use to assist an entire process that anyone is well coordinated to deal with it on time, whenever there are means to help anyone with air transport services, domestic routes that are famous include that from Douala to Yaoundé based within a country and future flights include international routes to other countries which prove to have good relationships and airlines are already scheduled some of flight routes that are successful,

Possible Changes that a pilot can make while working is to change a company when having experience and license with ratings added on it to apply for a new airline with position that might be of more payments that a previous one, or searching for a pilot job in airline companies with routes to Cameroon but originating from another country, make possible to have advantages of getting paid well include ways to work for any other company of interest when having experience and amount of flying hours to show each time when applying for a new job as a captain, there are a lot of changes to make include routes within a company by contacting only head of flight operations,

Conclusion use to be available anytime when planning to work as a pilot in this country, first consider having at least a commercial pilot license for a first officer position and airline transport pilot license for a captain position, then a type rating is a must to have when planning to fly a passenger type of airplane while normal single engine airplanes use to require only some ratings and experience on type which make possible to secure any position available, and in all cases when having flying hours above five hundred on a type of airplane about to apply for a job that being a minimum requirement that a pilot has meet in order to be considered apart from other applicants,